NEWS: “Providing Food Security and Access Promoting Health and Wellness Through Urban Agriculture”

September 2, 2020


The Newburgh Urban Farm and Food Initiative (NUFFI) is dedicated to enhancing food access, security, and justice in Newburgh through initiatives such as providing fresh, local produce, educating and employing residents, and supporting community gardens. In 2019, NUFFI received an Environmental Justice Community Impact Grant from the DEC for their Promoting Health and Wellness Through Urban Agriculture project. Despite COVID-19 disruptions, NUFFI remains committed to distributing free seedlings, collaborating with local farms, and enhancing the Downing Park Urban Farm's impact. Since June 4th, NUFFI has donated 2,500 pounds of produce to feeding programs, and the organization's lease for Downing Park Urban Farm was extended until 2038 by the Newburgh City Council. The group's ongoing efforts showcase a dedication to health, wellness, and community sustainability.



SPECTRUM NEWS: “Newburgh Farm & Food Initiative Supplies Fresh Produce to Those in Need”


Podcast: The Caylena Podcast - 44: Newburgh Urban Farm and Food Initiative