Downing Park Urban Farm - DPUF

What is Downing Park Urban Farm or DPUF?

DPUF is part of the larger initiative of NUFFI and facilitates the actual growing of fresh food.  It’s how we put our mission into action!

Why is DPUF important to  Newburgh?  

  1. Improves food and nutrition security for the community by increasing the availability of fresh, culturally appropriate food.

  2. Reduces carbon footprint as food travels shorter distances to get to residents.

  3. Supports physical and mental health wellness by providing physical activities and a stress-reducing environment.

What do you grow?

  • Vegetables and fruits are typically grown.

  • Small orchard with fruit trees (peach, plum, persimmon) and small berries(strawberries, raspberries, blueberries); 

  • Vegetables that are culturally appropriate for Newburgh residents, e.g., tomatoes, tomatillos, eggplant, kale, collards, cilantro, basil, and fresh herbs.

Types of growing - Inground, Raised beds, greenhouses 

DPUF is a 2-acre community-based farm that is a model for urban growing techniques using organic practices.  DPUF features growing in lined, raised beds to prevent contamination from urban soils and in-ground no-till carbon farming.

How can I help DPUF grow?

  • Donate skills or supplies

  • Donate time by volunteering

  • Donate money to help support our initiatives at the farm