Transforming Food Scraps

Did you know that a significant portion of the food we toss could be given a second life?

Let’s transform our food scraps and reduce waste:

  • Veggie Broth: Keep a container in the freezer for veggie peels, stems, and bits. Once full, boil them in water for a tasty homemade broth.

  • Citrus Cleaner: Steep citrus peels in white vinegar for a few weeks. Strain & mix with equal parts water for a natural cleaner.

  • Regrow Veggies: Green onions, lettuce, and celery bases can sprout new greens. Just place them in water using a jar or container.

  • Compost It: If you can’t reuse it, compost it! This turns your scraps into rich soil.

  • Natural Dye: Beet peels, onion skins, and more can be boiled to make natural fabric dyes.

  • Eggshell Fertilizer: Crushed eggshells can be sprinkled in the garden to add calcium to the soil.

The FoodKeeper helps you understand food and beverages storage. It will help you maximize the freshness and quality of items. By doing so you will be able to keep items fresh longer than if they were not stored properly. It was developed by the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service, with Cornell University and the Food Marketing Institute.


Plan on donating to a local food pantry this season?  


A Big Thank You to Ahmad and Emily!